Thursday, July 30, 2009

Right. It's Thursday. And it's a day away from Friday. And a very long Friday tomorrow would be. ToT
Let me see... First period, MT Reading.
2nd, Geog -> Geog Test
3rd, Physics -> Physics Test
4th, Maths -> Traded, now Physics.
5th -> Recess
6-> English
7-> Lunch
8-> Physics
And after that, until 8 pm, we have rehearsals for opening ceremony. I'm tired. Sigh.
Oh, and I just brainblasted a choreography for Cookie Jar, Mad and Kryptonite, and a grand finale. o.o Don't ask why. I just did. Only wonder if I can properly define the moves into a proper choreography.
Nothing much to update, other than that.
Oh yeah, Selynna. Uhm, don't worry so much, ok? I'll take over from things from here. Just take care of yourself, ok? I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Just beep me anytime. =D *hugs*
Don't you know I'm yours for the taking?
8:50 PM
Monday, July 27, 2009
Right. For last week.

Right, about last week. Well, you all know last Sunday was my birthday (Thnx to all belated wishes. =D). Sadly, after that, on Monday, I fell sick again. lol. Had to take two more days MC and only returned to school on Wednesday. And I pretty much used a lot of cash in those three weekdays. Other than lunch, I also bought tickets for a movie on Wednesday, two bubble-tea on Thursday, and a bottle of drink on Friday. Not sure how that costed up to 31 dollars, but it diiiid... o.o
And I only got a wallet and two cards for my birthday. Thank you! =D
1. A pair of red, or black, or white Etnies.
2. A one-size cap, any design.
3. A new MP3.
4. A pair of cargo pants.
5. Collared dress shirts
6. A new wallet.
7. You.
8. A good night's sleep.
9. A new phone! =D
10. A great day.
Well, I guess I had three wishes come true, eh? xD
Anyway, Saturday was kinda tiring too. I was last-minutely asked to be the emcee for the opening ceremony parade. Sian. >_> As a result, I had to go for the rehearsal in the morning, so I woke up at 6 and went to school, reaching at 7.30. Stayed until 9 o'clock, before heading bakc home, and then rushing to the hospital for that check-up we were required to go through. Yeah. Went for lunch after that, then waited for my mom. It was already about 2 pm here. Then, we went to Vivo after that to get something from my dad's office.
I parted with my family from there, as I called Nadia and waited for her for about one and a half hour (>.<). Apparently, her friend invited her to watch this shuffling competition at Vivo, and she didn't want to come along, so she wanted me to wait for her at Vivo. So I waited, and then we went to eat with her friend and her friend's bro... So, I bought a drink. I wasn't hungry. Ever since I fell sick, I lost my usually-big appetite. o.o
Anyway, went back to Orchard after that, to go watch the Da'Showcase 8 at *Scape Park. Met Nesh there and started to talk to him. Met Gico too. Saw Yenny too. Then again, it was through her that I got to know about the place anyway. Other than that, I was alone, which made me wonder why I even went in the first place.
Ayuu came about two performances in and she was lost, so she called me for directions. Haha. I had to go look for her too cause I wasn't sure where she was. And I met her again. Wheee~ =D
Brought her back to *Scape Park and watched Nuts Crew. It was fun at first, but this was when the evening kinda got messed up. As Ayuu went to some other parts with her friends, I saw Noi, Ima and Rafidah. I joined then, then talked to Ayuu for a while, before watching her walk away. So, I stayed with the 3 De'Blazeurs, watching the remaining performances. Didn't enjoy them anymore, though.
They went off a few performances later and I was officially alone. It sucked. lol. O.O
I went home, got on my computer and found myself staying up till 12.30 am. For some reason, I couldn't sleep. Even as I laid on my bed. Ah, hell. >_>
Spent Sunday doing homework and studying, and now, it's Monday. Today was kinda slack day. First period, Physics, went through TYS. Next, Chem. Went through a class test I wasn't around to do. SS, teacher never come. Maths, never do homework so I sat outside the classroom. Played instead. English, same teacher, never come. Played cards. Mother Tongue, no teacher also, played cards. And went home after that, to return to the hospital.
P.S., abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Apparently, I can type all that in 3.67 seconds. =D
9:09 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Oh boy, how time flies, yet it goes so slow. xD I can't remember when that picture was taken too, but yeah. And I'm 17 now. I wanna stay young. ToT
Well, I can't say my 17th birthday was grand, but I loved it anyway. Was watching Haunting of Connecticut and was kinda expecting a cake to come in (I saw it in the fridge in the morning. Hehe). And as it came in, boy, I was flooded with 12 messages and 3 missed calls (Sorry, Fanna. xD). Not to mention online too. Hahah. Facebook got flooded, and everyone on MSN wished me. Haha, thanks so much to all of you.
My family got me a cake and I got a pic of it, but I still looked zombie-ish after recovering from a 3-day long high-fever. 3 days of doing nothing but staying on my bed. I hated it. >_> As a result, it will not be shown. >=D
Wanna thank everyone who wished me. In order (I think);
Selynna; Ying Shan; Family; Nadia; Fanna; Jan; Ayuu; Pei San; Eric; Kami; Rasha; Lau; Mardiah; Nadiah; Sharmila; Anira; Iqa; Ivan; Sasha; Wan Zhen; Nicholas; Wei Xin; Daniel Lee; Jia Xun; Nathanael; Wei Xuan; Jessie; Min Rui; Enrique; Randall; Qazimah; Maybelline; Afifah; Rafidah; Mark; Swati; Heidi; Shafiqah; Wasin; Freedie; Rooban; Zafirah; Jeremy Tan; Kuya Kenneth; Patricia; Asnita; Iya; Celine; Nurrudin; Diyana; Emellene; Maya; Nick; JayJay (o.o); Hui Wen; Richalynn; Rafaila; Ryana; Jeslyn; Nadiah; Faiziyyah; Chephros; Suchi; Qazimah; Nicolina; Nick; Agnes; Hon Cheong; Janine; Aisyah
((If I missed out your name, sorry so, so, so much. Tell me and I'll add it in. >_>))
So, what did I do on my birthday? Well...
I slept at 2 plus, after someone went to bed[I told you. xD]. Then, I woke up at 9.30 am and.... I did Physics TYS. After that, I took a lil break. Then I did Chem TYS... And I took another break for lunch, got online, then started doing Maths Paper. >_>
Well, tomorrow's the school day. I still feel tired. And I'm scared of Rooban and Bing Chen. They're planning a mass rape. OMG. TOT
Save me. =3
A few P.S.s,
Happy 1 year anniversary, Eric and Rei. ^o^ Best of wishes to the two of you. You have my support, sheep bro! =D
And... To Ayuu and those who are sick, get well soon. Take care of yourself now! Rest early, so you can get off that bed and start jumping around again! =D
Peace to all, and thanks again,
Officially 17.
8:47 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009

Holy crap, I just hit 38.5.
I'm already hating this weekend. I was supposed to eat dinner with some ex-UG friends, but my fever picked up and I couldn't go. I was supposed to play basketball tomorrow, but Alex wasn't able to book the place, so no game.
And I wanted to go out on Sunday, but if my fever keeps up, I won't even be able to go. And I don't really have anyone to go with...
I hate my luck. >_>
9:38 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well, past two days have been quite boring. School ending at 4.30 on both days, something that I've kinda gotten used to... Although, my wallet has not. I already wasted 10 bucks the past 2 days. ToT I need more capital for food!
My school's been hit by H1N1. Omg. A single case.
Nothing much to update, really.
And I've one more thing to look forward to at night now. =D
... What a short post. xD
Oh, and Pei San, I know I haven't been there for you nowadays, and I apologise. I've got some issues I have to handle first. I know you need support, and my support especially, I think. I'm sorry. Just know that I've got your welfare in my mind too. So, take care of yourself, alright? Stay strong.
p.s., Has Cupid struck again? o.o
Haha, I almost forgot. It's almost that day again, so I'll put up a Wishlist here. A guy can wish pon his day, right? Hahah.
1. A pair of red, or black, or white Etnies.
2. A one-size cap, any design.
3. A new MP3.
4. A pair of cargo pants.
5. Collared dress shirts
6. A new wallet.
7. You.
8. A good night's sleep.
9. A new phone! =D
10. A great day.
... So, yeah. =D
9:04 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009

So, Friday, 10th of July, was YouthGiG and honestly, I had a BLAST. xD Since nothing much happened yesterday, other than the supposed end of Cold War between my dad and I, I'm gonna talk about Friday.
Went to school on Friday, carrying more clothes than books. Went for PE, played frisbee. 3 of the All-Star Team (self-labelled. The four of us in any team were undefeated. =D) were on the other team. ToT
So, after school, immediately went off for Taman Jurong CC and was kinda surprised to see that the others had reached first. Apparently, they took a taxi. =_=; Anyway, we started a small rehearsal, and I finally memorised the moves by listening to the song the night before, and the whole morning. Haha. Kept on calling Nadia Adik and Fanna Kakak, wondering where the hell were they, and ended up almost hooking them up with Howard. lol
Ano, pre? Sabi ko naba sayo, hahanapin ko ikaw ng mga babae. xD
Anyway, Nadia, Fanna and my cuz Gab came to support me and I really enjoyed the whole evening with them. Of course, there were a few embarrassing moments. *cough*Fanna...*cough*, but the night was great anyway.
For the vid, it's in Fanna's blog.
And as for the picture above, that's Ayuu, a new friend I made. Haha. She's really adorable, and a great person to talk to. Hope to get to know her better, though. =3
Anyway, that should be all.
P.S., if my dad finds out about this, I'm so dead. Yeah, he didn't know a thing. >_>
3:58 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My heart ain't a brain but I think I love you.
Omg, it's romantic line. Haha. Never thought I'd have one here. WOW
Ok, it's a line from the song Heart Ain't A Brain, btw, by Chris Brown.
So, my day's recently have been going quite fine, I guess, other than the Cold War between me and my dad after he tried to send me back home again. Sian.
Ending at 4.30 sucks.
Rehearsals for YouthGiG have been quite fun, but due to time constraint, I haven't had the time to rehearse the moves. Messed up a lot of times last rehearsal. Haha. Met this girl though, and she had the cutest smile. Hehe?
Well, gotta go. Wish me luck for tomorrow's YouthGiG!
P.S., my birthday's coming. Yay.
9:34 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ok, yeah...

Yes, glance at the wonder that is my maths homework...
Anyway, nothing's been happening much. School just implemented that extra lessons. Ending school at 4.30 pm every day now, even Fridays, though I've been compromising with the teachers for a Friday off. I don't think it'll work though...
R.I.P., Michael Jackson. I'll try to master that lean of yours. =D
Oh, yeah. It's July now. A new Song of the Month, right? Heh.
Kiss Me Thru The Phone, by Soulja Boy
Liking the song, been listening to it a couple of times already. Anyway, enjoy.
9:30 PM