Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yes, I know. I can't believe it either, but hell, that is me.
Liyana Yeo placed my picture in. And Mardiah got InHoney. Haha.
Yay to me? o.o
8:47 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Best Weekend Ever
And I'm not kidding.
True, it had its ups and downs, but everyday has its ups and downs. It's just a matter of how big those ups and downs are, and these are pretty big. I'll list them out soon, though. Let me tell you what happened first.
SaturdayRight. Courtney and I went off at about 11am to head to Selynna's house to help her prepare for the party. Reached there quite late and got a small lecture from her awesome mom. Haha. Proceeded then to help load the things into the car, but only after meeting Insyirah, Selynna's cousin, and trying out Selynna's mom's awesome curry. =3 Went to Costa Sands Pasir Ris then with them and started to unpack, taking charge first of the guy's room.
Things proceeded well after that. Selynna went off to fetch Dexy, and at that time, Zul and his two other friends, Syed and Zach arrived. Made friends, set up the bbq, and waited for the rest to arrive. It was totally fun, I guess, being able to meet more people. And as always, people thought I was Malay. One even thought I was Arab. xD PLayed Jurrasic Jumble then till 10.50 pm when my dad called. Got an earing, told Sel I was going, and said goodbye before heading home.
Sorry Sel. And everyone else. But this Air Rifle Competition is quite significant too. It might be the only opportunity we have into getting the school club those new rifles we really, really need, cause if we don't get it, we might just close down. So, yeah... Sorry.
SundayWoke up quite early and went to the Air Rifle comp. It was considerably difficult, cause my hand and right leg kept on shaking and it was hard to steady myself, no matter how hard I tried. And Shu Yan experienced it too. Still, by some stroke of luck, I moved up from 4th to 3rd and I got 2 medals. 3rd team, and 3rd individual. And a 20 dollar Popular voucher. Haha. Went home after that, got changed, and went straight off back to Pasir Ris. Reached there at about 3.25 and talked to Courtney and Insyirah for a while, before watching them off. Helped with the second barbeque and started to curse myself for not coming earlier and joining them in their first Escape Theme park visit. So I went in the second one. And it was quite boring.
Except the Go Kart. Now THAT was awesome. And Zul crashed me during the downward ramp. I swear, my kart actually lifted off the ground. Haha. Went home after that and started to slack around. Got the bbq ready, started to bbq. Then, went inside with Selynna as the others shisha'd outside and had a good long talk with her. Realised then how much she really cared about me, and how much I cared about her. Really lucky to have her as a friend. =D
She fell asleep halfway through, though. And I was thinking of our conversation all the way to 6 am, before falling asleep.
MondayWoke up at 8.30 am, helped the others pack up the stuff. Some of the ash went into my eye. Major ouch. Went to Sel's house afterwards and watched Slumdog Millionaire and I have to say, it is one of the most influential and touching movie I have ever watched. Somewhat, I could relate to it, cause the Philippines is not that different from India, and Zul and Selynna kept on saying that I looked like Jamal. Haha. Went to sleep after that, but woke up in an hour as dad called me again, asking me to go to the dentist. And I really didn't want to go off again...
Stayed up till 2.30, and then I woke Sel up to tell her I was leaving and why. Zul was sleeping still, so Sel asked me to stay until it stopped raining. I said yes, of course, and we talked again. Haha, really miss talking to you right now. Went off at 3.20 pm when Zul woke up, said goodbye to Selynna and Zul, then went off to Terminal 3 dental clinic. SMSed Selynna on the way, and I was smile like an idiot in the MRT. Took me quite a while to find the clinic, and I found it soon enough.
Got my side-front teeth filling'ed up, and my molar tooth plucked out. Been bleeding like a bitch since then. Now, even. And the numbing thingy, whatever its called, has had its effects until 10.30. That's like, 4+ hours. o.o My whole right cheek, even my ear, was numb. And I was still smiling like an idiot. Haha. Reached home, and here I am, still with a slightly bleeding gum and a smile.
Awesome weekend, really. I loved our moments together. Wish I could relive them again.
Anyway, that's all for today, so...
Peace out,
-ReneGaDe L
P.S., I wish I could turn back time...
P.P.S., I hate my bad luck, but am grateful for it for giving me you.
P.P.P.S., Thursday is going to be one eventful day for me...
P.P.P.P.S., I love postscripts. xD
10:16 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
X-Country 2009
So, 12 March 2009 was the cross country day and it turned out a lot better than I expected it to!
Woke up as usual, my bio-clock ringing at 5.15, but I went back to sleep out of laziness, only to wake up at 5.45. Haha. Went to bathe, got dressed and left for Bukit Batok Interchange, listening to Dreamer the whole long way. Yeah, inspiration. Haha.
Met Fanna and Nadia, kenna left behind by the two hyperactive retards and finally, after they passed the ticket counter, they turn around and start wondering where I am. Sigh. >_> Found Hafeez at the last cabin, talked to him about X-country, then went off to Japanese Garden. Nadia, Fanna and Hafeez left first as I went up to my Part Bs to say hi. Then proceeded to Japanese Garden with Daniel, Cherie and Nadiah.
Well, got there quite early, found out that Yi Ren was going to run. Saw Nura, said hi. Started to warm up through dancing. (lol). Had a few announcements, but I was not listening. Listening still to dreamer then. Before the sec 4s started, I went to the toilet, so had to rush back, pin my number, and proceed to the starting line. Haha. Shook hands, wished good luck, and pop goes the whistle as everyone started to dash.
Hell, everyone sprinted at the first 100 meters, and I was placed at 17th. As usual, Zhao Xuan was in front. Idiot doesn't know when to learn. Caught up with him soon after, and one by one, I overtook the first few. By the time we hit the roadside, I was like, sixth already, behind Nicholas and in front of Rafiz and Nazirul. Kept pace, Nicholas stopped soon enough and I was behind Naiim and Brandon. CAught up with the two of them then, and found myself third as I continued running at the bridge. Took the water, drank a bit, swallowed, then vomitted while running. Still, I continued.
I never stopped at all. Haha.
Pushed on and soon enough, I ended with third. WHEEE~~~!!! Hafeez was first and Jimmy second. 4th was Naiim, followed by Rafiz, then Nicholas. Altogether, there was 8 Lewis in the top 15 for upper sec. Hahaha. Fun, fun.
Injured my ankle while walking into the injury tent, after seeing Aisyah there. Foot fell inside a hole. Stupid. >_>
Prize presentation came and Lewis totally flooded the top 15! Hahah. Not surprising who won as the leading house now. When I heard the 3rd and 2nd team was not Lewis, I was already at the front of the hall, jumping and waiting. =3 Yay. We won! Haha. Not sure how, but I won 3rd in timing among the upper sec too. It was a tie, though, so I had to play scissors-paper-stone to see who would bring home the trophy first. The other guy won. Haha.
Went off with Retards, Morons and jokers then to IMM, went to eat. Met Asnita's mom. Haha, she's so funny and cute. Went to play at the water park, before getting chased out. Then rode the bus home, all sleepy and shit. 6 pm, while walking with Nadia and Hafeez, I simply said bye and turned towards home. Was too tired, and someone was calling me back. Heh.
Anyway, here are the pictures.
3rd and 1st

0916 - 3rd

100 plus!

100 Plus again

3rd, baby!

Morons with trophies

Hot nerds?

Retards on travelators!~

Blow into the cup. Haha

Behind extra sial


we on travelators!

The wet people

The dry people

We be the awesome


Trophies galore

9:28 AM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Song Of The Month Of March
Yeah, I'm gonna add something new to my blog, since it's all... Music-oriented. Anwyay, this month's song of the month is..
Dreamer, by Chris BrownAn inspirational song that he wrote for the Beijing Olympics 2008, and it has inspired me quite a number of times already, especially before major events like competitions and performances. Some examples would be that Assembly, with Mr. Samuie's talk about Aesthetics in the school. I was listening to this song before the performance to psych myself into doing it, and it turned out quite nice.
Second example would be yesterday's Air Rifle competition. Yes, I listening to this song again to drive away my nervousness, and once again, it worked. And I really need it this month.
12 March - Cross Country
14/15 March - Home Team NS Invitational Shoot Finals
19 March - *Secret*
24 March - Track Heats
31 March - Inter-School Air Rifle Competition (Nationals)
2 April - Field Events
6 April - Sports Day
Yeah... I'm gonna need a LOT of inspiration. Oh yeah, since this is a new song and all, I have to write the lyrics myself, so... Don't complain if it's wrong.
Dreamer, By Chris Brown
What do I do?
Stop, go?
Fail, succeed?
Live, or die?
I just gotta believe.
[Verse 1]
It's worth saving.
And to get lost,
Lost in a daydream.
So why hesitate?
Take me to another place,
So far, far away,
So I can get out of the dark!
High speed,
Like I'm racing.
Just like lightning,
Sky is blazing.
But you've lost your way
You've been led astray.
Are there better days
For my fallen dreamer?
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
You don't sleep no more,
(You don't even sleep no more)
Dream no more.
(You don't even dream no more)
Dreamer, dreamer.
Why don't you just dream again?
[Verse 2]
In you.
You got something to prove.
You're a star.
Watch you shine bright
On your way to the lime light,
Finish line.
The sweat and tears.
You can channel all of your fears.
Open your eyes,
Your eyes,
And it'll be alright
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
Sleep no more,
(You don't even sleep no more)
Dream no more.
(You don't even dream no more)
Dreamer, dreamer.
Why don't you just dream again?
A dreamer, a a dreamer x8
You can dream!
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
Calling the dreamer! (A dreamer, a a dreamer x2)
You don't sleep no more,
(You don't even sleep no more)
Dream no more.
(You don't even dream no more)
Dreamer, dreamer.
Why don't you just dream again?
6:05 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Home Team NS Shooting Comp
Well, today was the Home Team NS Invitational Shoot and... Yeah. I have to say, I'm very, very disappointed. No, not at my team-mates, not this time round, but at myself. Yeah. Not that I did not shoot well. I'm actually surprised at how much I got, cause it's my new personal best. I'm disappointed in that I was not a better shooter, and that I actually made some stupid beginner mistakes, like rushing my triggering.
Because of that, I shot 1 seven. If I had shot that well, I'd actually be third, but no, instead, I shot a seven, and got one point behind third.
Yes. It goes this way:
1st - 563
2nd - 560
3rd - 558
4th - 557
See? So close to getting first. Goddammit. Anyway... Here are the scores:
Ivan - 83, 77 ,86, 88, 86, 81 - 501 @ 26th / 37th
Louisse - 90,
97, 95, 91, 92, 92 - 557 @ 4th / 37 th
Haziq - 87, 82, 91, 82, 94, 84 - 520 @ 13th / 37th
Total: 1548 @ 3rd
... I'm still disappointed. But hell, at least now we have a set of results to help persuade Mr Loo for new frikin guns for the next batch. As for girls...
Nadiah - 90, 90, 91, 92 - 363 @ 15th / 36th
Cherie - 84, 85, 83, 86 - 338 @ 29th / 36th
Florence - 89, 88, 90, 90 - 357 @ 17th / 36th
Total: 1058 @ 6th
Yeah... I need to train hard cause now that I got 4th, I may have to come back for the finals the coming weekend. And it'll be a Final 10 style shooting. Meaning that we're not shooting target cards anymore. It'll all be electronic. Anyone who watched the Olympics would know what I mean. And what's stressful about it is that I will only have 10 shots, and that every shot will be announced to the crowd and every shooter. Talk about pressure.
And me using a 10-year-old rifle does NOT help.
9:06 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Oh, and I wanted to add in something for the events that have occurred to me the past few days. It's a line from my older brother. Yeah, during one of our quality time nights, spent with our friend Tiger.
We Give And Teach Others How To Love, So That They Can Love Others.
Yeah, to hell with us. I'm tired of getting left behind.
... And shit, my knee's still bleeding.
9:07 PM
What the fuck?
... When will ever be a month where I won't post something fucked up? I'm getting tired of this shit, and unsurprisingly, it's always caused by the same, same people. And you know who you are.
It's annoying how I was asked to attend a party and you didn't want to go because of a past issue, something that should have been settled a long time ago. Hell, grow up already. Stop holding grudges, and move on like the adults that you are. It's frikin annoying how my relationship with my friends get affected by how all of you see each other.
And stop questioning my decisions. You don't even know what I do, cause you are never at home, and when you are, you're always stuck at your computer. How do you know what I do before you reach home? I study too, you know. Yes, surprising, but fucking hell, I do study.
And if you really just wanna send me back, why don't you save us both the trouble and annoyance, and just do it? If I'm nothing but trouble to you, then just get rid of me. That kind of actions seem to be right up your alley, after all.
Damn it, I've lost the mood to do anything now. No mood to do my homework. No mood to chat. No mood to sleep. No mood to eat. Dammit... I didn't eat lunch yesterday, had a small plate of pasta for dinner. And that was... 9 pm+ yesterday night? I haven't eaten a single thing since then. And for some reason, I still don't want to eat. You said it yourself, right? I have to learn handling my own stuff. Well, I've no mood to go get something to eat, so whatever the fuck.
P.S., the clot on my knee just got scraped off and it's bleeding like a bitch. Damn.
8:48 PM