Thursday, February 26, 2009
Congrats, Part Bs
Well, nothing much happened the past few days, other than Common Test. So far, only got back my maths and physics paper. The rest are still unknown, and I'm quite anxious to know what my marks are.
Maths - 33 /40
Physics - 12/25
Yeah. Didn't do so well for Physics, surprisingly, considering it was my best subject in my lower sec years. Haha. Oh, and I still owe Ms Lau english and social studies homework. Can't get my ass down on one spot and start doing them though. Sian...
Oh, went for Part B IMT today. Left lessons at 11.50 am, school at 12.30 pm and reached there about 1+. And we were the first school there, so yay! First detail = First people to shoot. So, we went to shoot fast. Show Chan and I simply sat there and started talking about what we would do during Part A camp. Secrets, though. Haha. Anyway, I have to say the results are better than how we fared.
We only had 4 passes and 1 marksman, but my Part Bs had 7 passes and 2 marksman.
So congratulations, Marcus and Kwok Fong. Keep up the good work. And for the rest, there's always next year. Yeah.
And... Yeah, I admit, I've been putting up a bit of fake smiles recently... But whatever.
10:14 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yes, bored again.
1) Do you think you are hot?... Sometimes? ._.
2) Upload a favourite picture of yourself.
3) Why do you like the picture?I don't know. I just do. =3
4) When is the last time you ate pizza?OMG! I can't remember?!
5) The last song you listened to?Superhuman - Chris Brown
6) What are you doing right now besides this?Mixing songs.
7) What name you prefer besides your name?Renegade L? ._.
Five People Tagged:1.Nadia
8) Who is number 1?My sayang adik!
9) Number 3 is having a relationship with?... Uhm, Dzul?
10) Say Something abt number 5?Courtney~ My lil, lil, cute sister.
11) How abt number 4?Haha, my lil, cute sister too.
12) Who is number 2?Fanna. My sayang kakak, and someone I'm really grateful for.
8:34 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day
Stop, Wait And GoThe Red Light's Blinking, Should We Stop?
Should We Just Give Up And Drop,
And Surrender To Those Who Thought
That The Two Of Us Wouldn't Work Out?
Look, It's Yellow, So Let Us Wait.
Don't Leave Yet, It's Not Too Late,
Don't Leave Me Standing At Your Gate.
Let's Give A Second Chance To Fate.
Green's Come On, So Let Us Go.
I Told You We'll Make It Through The Door.
So Hold On, Cause I Would Never Let Go,
Not Until I Let You Know
I Love You.
Yeah, that was my contribution for the Valentine Day's card competition. It was one of the winners too. Not sure how, but it made it there anyway. And as many people are wondering, I'm just gonna say...
No, this was not dedicated to anyone. It was just something I thought up of in 20 minutes during a free period, right before the period where I had to hand it up.
I was pretty lazy too. The teacher gave me three cards, a red one, a yellow one and a green one. That meant that I was supposed to do three different cards, but Daniel (thank you) pointed it that it looked like a traffic light. It gave me an idea, so yeah, I glued the three hearts together, with red on top, yellow below that and green at the bottom. One stanza in each heart.
Stop, Wait And Go.
Heh. I wonder if it'll still be there on Monday?
Oh, and how did my Valentine go? Well, that's something for another day. Haha.
Happy Friendship Week to one and all, and thank you for everything you've done for me, be it big or small. I appreciate it. Luv ya all.
ReneGaDe L
6:30 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
I'm such a fucker...
Yeah, I know. Low self-esteem, yeah. I figured as much too, but hey, considering the situation, I truly agree with myself.
For the sake of the people involved, Imma be real discreet.
I feel real guilty, dammit.
It's my fault cause I went on with it despite knowing the consequences, which involved hurting a few people, including her. And I still went through with it.
It's my fault cause I was the one who said yes when she asked the question, despite him being right there, although I didn't notice him before I answered, but yeah.
It's my fault cause I promised her that I would try not to cause any problem between her and him, but it happened anyway, and yes, it's because of me.
And what made it worse was that she almost cried. And it's ultimately my fault. I started this whole situation, after all. And I want to fix it. Thought of a couple of ways... Annoying ways.
First one I thought of was simply disappearing, like leave her and his life alone, don't contact either one of them, stay on my own, graduate and be gone for good. But, somehow, I don't want to leave her. And other people already say that this would end up hurting her more...
Second one was tahan the pain, step back a bit and let them fix their relationship, and stay just as her friend. Painful, yeah, but I can try my best, right? Also... I don't want to do this.
Third is like, hold on. And of course, I want to do this, but a part of me is saying otherwise. I don't want to hurt him also, although I don't even know him. I've been through the same kind of situation he is in before, and I don't want him go through the same thing, but yeah.
Fourth is... The asshole part. The part where I make myself a real asshole, and get her to start hating and avoiding me. She gets back with him. She forgets about me. I tahan. Everyone's fine.
The nice me don't wanna do anything and not hurt him, but the selfish me wants her...
I'm sick of making sacrifices, but if I have to... I will.
9:28 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Yay! Many things to rant about now! Hahahaha. Anyway, let's do this LORMS style, eh? Well, Imma talk about the earliest things to the latest ones.
So far, I think six sec 1s have my e-mail and friendster already, and it's getting a lot more. It's quite creepy, actually. But hell, I can't do much about it anyway. Besides, their quite fun. One even asked to be my mei. So, yeah. One also asked me to accompany her to school, and back home. Done it two days in a row now. Hahah. I don't mind, really. It has its ups, and not that much downs too. Yeah. Meeting her again tomorrow to accompany her to school.
Mr Mazlee just asked us to starting planning for the March Part A camp, with Yi Wei as OIC and Keneth and I being AICs, or whatever you can call us. And apparently, we're gonna have a joint proposal with Sea, since Yi Wei is going to be planning with Wei Ting. Truth be told, I'm kinda worried about the results. Haven't really seen Yi Wei plan anything, so yeah... As for Wei Ting, he's in-charge of the Sec 3 UG Bonding Camp too, so not sure if they can do it in time.
Lewis House Meeting. First time ever I attended a House Meeting. Sec 1, went to hospital on the same day, cause my grandfather got sick, and they had to check up on us to make sure we were not infected. Sec 2, I was at Camp Feast, so yeah. Missed it too. Sec 3, I had that National Educaiton course shit. Mr Lee excused me, so yeah. This year, I came a bit late due to Maths Remedial, and I came in just in time for the voting. And hell... I became the captain, beating the other by votes, who became senior vice-captain instead.
Louisse, the captain of Lewis house. The best inside joke of the year. Wow.
Quite stressed about it too. Past two years, Lewis was the champion house, and now, it's up to me to bring in another victory. Wahhhhh... Sian. Stress. Must get a three-win streak seh. Hell with me if I don't. Guess I gotta train harder now. And with the others too. Must win.
Next, Air Rifle. Wah laooo, Mr Loo sucks. >_> Too lazy to type everything out sooo... here.
--.: Cain :.-- says:
For one... He broke his promise about letting us have the range on Feb, and instead postponed it to March.
--.: Cain :.-- says:
Cause the authorities have YET to check on our range.
--.: Cain :.-- says:
Bastard's taking too long. >_>
--.: Cain :.-- says:
Two, a lot of people are calling him stereotypical. Yan Ling has improved a considerable lot, and so has Rafidah, but Mr Loo is fixed on Nadiah, Cheri and Florence for the team.
--.: Cain :.-- says:
He didn't even pay attention to Yan Ling shooting.
--.: Cain :.-- says:
Third, tomorrow's training was cancelled. Know why? Cause he anticipated that the sec 1s would come late and delay a lot, so training cancel.
Yeah. We're getting fucked up by our own teacher.
Anyway, that's all the updates for now.
Peace out,
P.S., thanks again to Selynna and Kia. =D
10:29 PM