Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Right. Yeah, went out with Selynna, Zul and Courtney yesterday. It was a pretty fun day. Went to Cathay to play Guitar Hero, then after that went to Vivocity Rooftop, when to Zul's house, and then went to Sel's house, before heading home. Yeah, that's Zul, Selynna's boyfriend.
Kinda reminds me of Valentine 07. Hahaha. Yeah, I still remember.
Had fun anyways. Lots of it too. Especially Long John Silver. Wow, real open now, weren't we? Haha. MRT Train was creepy as shit, though. Yeah. Sel's mom is awesome. Too bad she only remembers me when I was a weenie teenie lil kid. Hahaha. And met Sel's step-dad for the first time too. Not gonna say much, though.
Anyway, after talking to Sel, and seeing how perfect their relationship is, it kinda makes me feel a bit jealous. Wish I could have that kind of... Gift, of chance, of care. Yeah, I've decided to move on from LATEOQS, and I wanna try again. Thing is, believe it or not, I'm a bit scared to try again. I've been hurt so many times in different ways that it's getting kind of annoying to me, and I'm tired of it. So... Yeah.
I don't know what to do now. o.o
Meh, time will tell, right?
6:17 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
'G mampos!'
Ow. Seriously, ow. Two words. And for a moment, there, I almost felt like listening to you. Heh. I wish I could, really. I never thought I'd actually hear you say that to me. I mean, I don't even know why you don't want to talk to me anymore, whether it's something I said or did. I want to know what, so I can make it right.
But... Apparently, you don't want to. And it's frustrating how hard I'm trying and you just keep pushing away. I'm getting tired, but I don't want to stop, you know.
I had a lot of things to write about, but now, I don't even feel like typing out. Just wanna say that... I'm gonna try to move on now, but I will still be waiting for you. Whether it'll be for good or bad, I'll still be waiting. And whether that night would happen again, a stab in the heart and three hours of tears, I'll bear with it.
Anyway... Thank you to everyone who helped. In order of appearances:
Yi Ren,
Jie Jian,
Fanna Kakak,
Nadia Adik,
And most especially, Kia and my mom.
Thanks everyone, again. And if I missed you out, sorry? *hugs*
RDG L, moving on, yet waiting.
10:42 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Motivation Needed
From left to right, I see my history homework, maths homework and other stuff best not said here, and no matter how hard I try, I can never get my hand to move towards the pencil box, take out my pen and start working on them. It's kinda obvious what it is, though most of you would call it laziness. I guess that's one way to put it, but in my opinion, the problem is...
Lack of motivation.
Yeah, lack of motivation. The problem is i don't have enough motivation to get my ass up and start moving forward. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy, where I often need something, or someone, to do things for. I never seem to be able to do things if it's for myself. I really need to learn how to be a little bit more selfish. Sigh.
And nowadays, I'm starting to feel as if I'm getting left behind while the world keeps on moving forward. Like days are passing by, and I'm still living the week before. Lack of sleep? Maybe. Makes me hate having insomnia. Or maybe it's something else? Maybe cause I'm finding lesser and lesser people to consider friends? Lesser and lesser people that I'm sure I can trust, and I am willing to confide with.
And the main problem still stands.
I still lack motivation to do anything, and catch up with the rest of the world. And I can't seem to be able to find one. I just hope I'm gonna be able to find one soon, before O levels become just right around the corner. Now, that would suck.
Where can I find motivation?
What is it?
Or who is it?
Meh... One way to find out, eh?
I'll try to get one back tomorrow. One that I know would definitely start me going forward.
9:45 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pictures FTW

From left to right, the singer, Courtney; the dancer, Louisse; the drummer, Kenneth; and the basketball prodigy, Clark.
P.S.: See you next time, bro. Take care.

Rate of Reaction? No, no, no. It's ReneGaDe L. =3

McDonald's. And so starts the Great Depression.

When I got the hat from Syafiq...

Happy New Year~! Hahaha. Yeah, the Bragais Brothers tradition on celebrating New Year. This wasn't all though. I had six cans total. =3

Career Workshop attire. Hmm... Is this the last time I'm gonna wear this to school? Dum dum duuuum.

Yes, that's me. Got a problem? I'll bite you.

Picture with cute lil Jolyn~

And my brother-f0r-life, Yi Ren.
9:53 PM