Tuesday, November 25, 2008
... Wow... An Update
Yeah... 2 days since my last post. Fastest ever, I think?
Wait, never mind. It isn't. Hehe.
Anyway, I managed to get a charger after subjecting my room to a typhoon and finding the warranty card. Yay for lappie.
Had a rehearsal today, with Syafiq, Shannon and another guy whose name slipped my mind. Three B-Boyers and a krumper. Wow. Wonder what kind of dances we're going to make. Haha. Watch for it!
Another dance rehearsal tomorrow, De'Blaze. Tired, tired. Scratches on my knee and aches on my calves, I need rest. Gah.
... Anyway, I was reading Yanee's profile earler and I noticed the little note thing on her profile and I clicked on it accidentaly. Sent me to some weird website called Lets101. Not sure what that meant. Is it supposed to mean Let's 1augh 0ut 1oud? Meh. Did the quizes there anyway, and see what I got.

Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz
My sex appeal is 7.6 out of 10.
Ladies beware!!!
Lets101 - Dating Free Online
ANYWAY, here's a little memory that came to mind when I saw Cherie today.
"Ok, then you need to rest the rifle on the knuckle of your third finger."
"... Is that the third finger from the left or from the right?"
6:40 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My lappie go boomie
... So, anyway, my laptop can't be used anymore. Well, the laptop's not the problem. It's the charger. So, here's what happened:
Yesterday morning, I used the laptop and noticed the charger was not plugged in, so... Well, I plugged it in. Started using it, posting, chatting, what not. Then, suddenly, I heard a spark. I looked at the part of the charger that was meant to go into the laptop and it sparked again. And again, and again, and then, *beeeep*
The charger stopped working. My laptop ran out of battery after that. And I can't do shit now. I'm using my sis' computer, and I hate the keyboard. >_>
Ah, hell. Imma have to think of ways to get my lappie up and running, like maybe connect it to a CPU or something, whatever. My music files are in there, and I need them ASAP.
Oh, and I talked to girl H again. Haha. Not sure if that's a good thing, but hey, it made me smile anyways.
Good luck for your bowling comp!
5:40 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Shooting Comp.
Alright, so I had the Annual Shooting Competition NCC for Part C yesterday, and it did not go as well as I planned.
Anyway, the night before, I was watching Space Chimps, and it was so awesome, I watched it twice. As such, I fell asleep at 3 am. Yeah. And I woke up at 5.30 to get ready for the competition. I reached Khatib at exactly 7.30 am, the supposed meeting time. Goes to show how punctual I am. Always RIGHT on time. Anyway, saw Zhen Lin and Jeremy, got worried as shit. Supposed to be 4 shooters, so where was the third? Well, he got sick. And guess what, he told us right at 7.32 am. Yes. Last minute, suddenly get sick. What the hell?
Ok, they panicked. I just sat there listening to mp3, wondering if we were still going to shoot, or are we just gonna go home? Jeremy called Mr Quek and they thought of a plan, to drag Yuen Kai from his Engineering camp and into the shooting comp. Lucky guy, get to go for camp AND shooting comp. Anyway, we went there on a shuttle bus. Quite a squeezy ride. *cough* Big ma'am sitting beside me. >_>
... Anyway, reached the camp, waited for Yuen Kai, received messages from Mr Quek which we were to pass to Shi Cheng. Quite awesome messages, by the way. "Tell that fuckin asshole to get an MC for today, or I don't want to see him in BBSS anymore. He better not fuck with me."
Yuen Kai came, we registered, and got into the 12th detail. 3rd last. Damn.
Sat down, listened to the briefing, and started to wait, wait, wait.
While waiting, talked to a few friends like Mubin and Iskandar from Hong Kah, Aizat from Hillgrove, Sabrina from Queensway and Hafizan from Yusof Ishak. Got to know a few people too, like Fatimah and Amalina from Yusof Ishak.
After a while, our detail started, my rifle was shooting to the top left, so I had to aim bottom right. While I was shooting, the gunpowder smoke kept on burning my eyes. What a bitch. Couldn't see properly. My right eye was already blur in the first place, and the smoke did not help at all.
Because of how disappointing it is, Imma keep the score a secret. Hehe.
This morning was a bit eventful too, or shall I say, afternoon? I woke up at 1.30 pm, saw my phone and saw Mus and Syafiq's sms, asking me where I was and to bring batteries. I thought there was rehearsal today, and I didn't even know about it. Went to bathe, got changed and rushed to the place, only to find it empty. Borrowed some guy's phone and asked Syafiq, only to realise that it was cancelled.
I miss my old sim card. ToT
10:45 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Out Of Boredom (As Tagged By Selynna)
The rules & regulations1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself
2) People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own, 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tag back.
TEN WEIRD THINGS/HABITS/LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT ME!1. Sometimes, I dream of being a ninja. Uber PWNage.
2. Pink is one of my top five favourite colours. Tough men wear it.
3. My right eye has a degree of 100, my left eye 0.
4. I have a third eye.
5. I hate being in crowded places.
6. Once, I played the X-Box for two days straight. No sleep, whatsoever. Bathe, eat, yes, but no sleep.
7. I enjoy pain? o.o It's adrenaline boosting.
8. I used to come to school real early just to put traps in my classroom.
9. I still have a library book in my possession, overdue since I was Primary 5. >_>
10. I have a little precious box, where I keep items like my Ya-Lo Necklace, my Valentine Aquababies, and what not.
1. Cyra
2. Courtney
3. Pei San
4. Feei
5. Jacelyn
6. Josh
7. Nadia
8. Fanna
9. Anira
10. Mardiah
4:47 PM