Saturday, October 18, 2008
Words Of A Father

"Tell me, what good thing have you done for us? Nothing. You are a good-for-nothing idiot who thinks he's so smart. You are useless and problematic. I mean, what have you done for the past few days? Dancing? Staying overnight at parties with people I don't know? You've been like this since you started dancing. I never liked your dancing. I just pretended to.

And next time you go out, don't you dare come back. In fact, I want you out of my house by the time I get home for dinner. Am I cle-"

Yeah, I hung up.

I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm tired of all this shit, you fucking abusive cheating drunkard. I'm sick of my family. I'm sick of my life. And I'm sick of people leaving me behind WHEN I need them the most.

What really happened?

Well, here's the deal. I just came home from Sara's Sweet Sixteen birthday party at East Coast Park, and I was having a really eager-to-burst bladder, ever since I boarded the train at Jurong East. Tahan and tahan all the way to home. What happened? I was stuck at the door for 20 minutes as I knocked, rang the doorbell and shouted. 20 fucking minutes of holding it in, while some fucking banglahs building the elevator stared at me. My maid finally opened the door, staring at me and scolding me for being so impatient. First WTF.

Ran to the toilet, did my thing, walked out, saw my younger brother watching TV. That motherfucker. While I was down there, calling his fucking name as loud as hell, he just sat there watching TV. And he said he heard me too. But did he do anything? No. That stupid little idiot just kept watching TV. So, I scolded him, but he didn't even give a shit. So, I switched off the TV. He shouted at me, then switched it back on. Second WTF. So, I switched it off again. This time, he started crying.

Then, as always, being the biased annoying bitch that she is, my maid came up and started to scold me again, saying something about telling Clark not to open the door if there was a doorbell cause it's broken. WTF, doorbell? What about the knocking and the shouting? What, the door was moving on its own, the hinges broken, and the speaker downstairs too? Motherfucking idiots. Shouted here. Shouted there. Called my younger brother a fucking retarded gay (Word by word) for crying over a fucking television while I was calling for him.

My maid retreated, and so did my younger brother. And then, suddenly they called my dad and started telling fucking lies like me hitting my younger brother and throwing things at him. I was throwing things at the fucking TV for being more important than me! And my dad called me, and that is an extract of the long and hurtful things he said. Hung up at the end, of course. Pointing my middle finger at my phone the whole time. I'm packing my stuff now, complentating whether I should leave or not. To where, I don't care. Just anywhere.

And to a few people:

Jessie: Really, jessie, what the hell happened to us? You were one of my closest friend, someone I really treasured and was grateful for. You seemed to be the only one who knew that I was hurt, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. And you helped me drop the habit of smoking too, if you don't realise it. I have no idea what happened between us and suddenly, you're all hostile at me. What did I do wrong? I really need your support and encouragement again, Jessie. And thank you for leaving me when I needed you.

Faana and Nad: Yeah... You know the story. I still can't believe you two did that to me, you know. You saw my tears. You saw my reaction. You saw my attitude. When you girls did the same, I was there to comfort you. This time, what did you do in return? Leave me without saying a word.

Dad: Fuck you. That's all I gotta say. Fuck you for almost leaving my mom, my siblings and I to fend for ourselves as you run off with her to America. Fuck you for shouting at my mom everytime she tried to stop you from going out with her. Fuck you for throwing me against the cupboard when I tried to stop you. Fuck you for the shit you've given my life.

Oh, and fuck you for being so selfish and not take your medicine. If you had done it, then we wouldn't be in this fucked-up financial crisis in the fucking first place! You wouldn't have needed that operation, and those fucking injections and we wouldn't be this poor in the first place.

And to everyone else who continue to give me shit no matter how much I suck up to you:


Thank you.

-Peace, DP

6:21 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008


That's my spelling of life atm. Honestly, nothing's going right anymore. At least, not for me. I don't know about you, nor do I give a rat's ass, but honestly, can't a SINGLE thing work out for me?

Let's see, Imma start on last Friday. Compared to the past few days, this isn't really anything, but I wanna talk about it anyway. Yi Wei and Teik Wei completely pissed the hell out of me. Let's start first. I took Part A, as I always do, since I'm their PC, but suddenly, Yi Wei and Teik Wei are constantly butting in, cutting into my command and talks. I mean, like, what the hell? Yi Wei, WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR, YOU FUCKING ASS. And Teik Wei, just cause you didn't get to the top five, doesn't mean you have to be an ass about it. And especially on me too. Oh yeah, I was having a fever that day too.

Anyway, part A only had sixteen people, so I wanted to command as a platoon, but Yi Wei suddenly split them up, just like that, without even telling me. At first, I didn't give a shit. PT was at 4.30, so I planned to form them back up at 4 to command them as a platoon. Went on, went on, headache got worse, Gary asked me to rest, I rested for like, five minutes, then ignored him and went on. Then, 4 o'clock came. All of the fucking sudden, I see Yi Wei's half of my part A changing to PT kit. First, he splits them up in front of me without telling me, and now, he gives them instructions without consulting me. I was as pissed as hell now.

But I didn't do anything. I just went along with it, asked my section to go change too. Then, suddenly, 4 people didn't go for PT. I didn't go too, cause I had a fever. So, like, as everyone was assembling at the field, I saw the 4 Part As who reported sick playing cards. I didn't want Mr Mazlee to scold them, so I sent them to the field too. Then, I followed after soon and saw them folding their sleeve down to long 4. Teik Wei was asking them to run in long 4. Again, wtf? I went off to take a walk with Faana, to cool down. I come back down, and see Mr Mazlee at the NCC Room scolding the 4 part As. Teik Wei had sent them back. I got scolded too, then asked the Part As to go to the field and sit down.

Dou Han kept annoying the fuck out of me then.

DH: "Staff, can I run?"
Me: "No."
DH: "Why?"
Me: "Cause you're in uniform, and you report sick."
DH: "But the other staff (Yi Wei (See? Another fuckin mistake)) also run in uniform."
Me: "Are you a staff?"
DH: "No, but he run in uniform."
Me: "He's a staff. Are you?"
DH: "No, bu-
Me: "No, you're not. Go sit down."

Yeah. Then, started to think that I was going too easy on the Part As. PT, they were just sitting at the side. Annoying, really. So, I went to the area in front of the NCC Room, gathered the platoon there, then started to talk to them, asking them if they were really serious about NCC. I was being serious there, and I was talking to them about what I wanted from them, how I would treat them from then on and how I was going easy on them the past few weeks. And Yi Wei and Teik Wei kept butting in. I just ignored what they said and kept talking, but in a louder volume to shut them out. That was fun, I guess.

Yeah, made Part A march up and down the parade square and constantly scolded them for dragging their boots and swinging their arms. Annoying.

After that, I stopped them. And I was about to talk to them again, to debrief them on the day's training and events, but something happened. Here.

Me: "Part A, on yo- (ur butts, down)."
Teik Wei: "Part A, I want you to go into the NCC Room, get your stuff and fall in back here. MOVE!"
Me: "..."

Yeah. Asshole. You've lost my respect. Congratulations, and a good day to you.


7:04 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

--.: Ragnok :.-- says:
Mwhahaha. I'm lashing out on the Singapore Slingers.
- - // [ Otakugfx ] [ The glorious series is finally over, R.I.P Code Geass T_T ] [ Busy Status means studying ] says:
- - // [ Otakugfx ] [ The glorious series is finally over, R.I.P Code Geass T_T ] [ Busy Status means studying ] says:
the what?
--.: Ragnok :.-- says:
Singapore Basketball Team.

I just gotta post this.


And I wanted to post something else too....

I forgot...

Oh yeah.

I wonder how many blow jobs they had give the referee to get him to be in their side.


8:40 PM

PBA Pure Foods VS. Singapore Slingers

Tuesday, 7.40 pm, Singapore Indoor Stadium.

The PBA Champion Pure Foods was challenged by the Singapore Slingers to an exhibition match and of course, being the Pinoy and the Basketball-fan that I am, I went with my parents. The match went pretty well, really. A lot of funny parts. Too bad there were not any Singapore Slinger fans around me. Wanted to annoy them with my booing everytime those darned Singapore Slingers got the ball.

Well, first quarter, the score was, about, 19-25, second quarter 42-56, third quarter 64-82, last quarter 86-90. Yeah, we fought hard in the last quarter and managed to catch up, with 4 points left to a tie. Pinoy power. Pinoy pride.

Funny things about the match:

9/10 of the crowd were Filipino Fans. I mean, honestly. Everytime the Pure Foods made a shot, there'll be cheers. Everytime the Singapore Slingers made a shot, there'll be jeers. It was so funny. It was their home turf, and yet, the crowd was against them. Imagine how pathetic they felt. Oh, I loved it. Yeah, I hate the Singapore Slingers. Oh yeah, and we set the record for the most number of people coming to watch a Singapore Slinger game. Pathetic, really. Haha.

The Philippine Flag was being waved everywhere. Honestly, there was never a time in the whole game, no matter which direction you looked, that you would no see the flag of the Philippines. And there was not a single Singaporean flag. Here I was, thinking that Singaporeans were actually proud of their innocent, pure and stead fast country, when us Pinoys were more proud of our shaky and poor country with an undeniably corrupted government. Another reason why I hate Singapore.

They don't know what they got.

The head referee was an asshole too, giving out bad calls and all those fuckin shit. One of the Pinoy players was injured after getting elbowed in the face by Sandrin from the Singapore Slingers. The referee was not looking and no foul was made. And then, he was talking to the court officials and when one of the Singapore Slingers fell, he was not looking, but he still called a foul. Ass. And no one touched the damned Singapore Slinger player. He frikin tripped. Of course, the crowd was on the Pure Foods' side, so you can guess their reaction. A copy of a crowd's cheer:

One person: "Referee!"
Crowd: "GAGO! (Idiot/Fool/Stupid/Crazy in Tagalog)"
One person: "Referee!"
Crowd: "GAGO!"

And it went on for twenty minutes. I love pinoys. We love to have fun. >=D

And not only the Singapore Slingers team were spared. After the Pinoy player was unjustly injured, the crowd hated every Singaporean in the stadium. The cheerleaders came out greeted with jeers. It was so funny. Some guy shouted, "WE WANT FDC!" The Filipino Dance Club of Singapore. And I'm in it too. Whee~

I remember one part where the Singapore Slingers point guard actually committed a back-court violation, but the referee simply let it slide, then the Pure Foods coach went to the officials to complain. Some fucked-up Australian guy who supported Singapore Slingers stood up and scolded him, asking him to get back to the bench. Man, you should have been there. The whole team crowded at the court in front of the Australian, asking him to come down and dare say that again. If I was not wrong, he asked the coach to "Get your ass down and complain to your maid mother instead!"

I saw a total of eight water bottles being thrown at the Australian Guy. Fucker deserved it, I say. In fact, if I wasn't on the opposite side of the stadium, I would have thrown the tennis ball I found outside the stadium. Fucking asshole. The announcer was like, "It's just a game!" and the crowd was jeering at him. Anyone who supported the Singapore Slingers were not spared, really.

The last three minutes were awesome. The Singapore Slingers were unable to score. You know the announcer plays different kind of tunes to get the people to cheer 'Defence' or 'Offence'? Yeah, they were playing the 'Offence' tune, but the crowd was cheering 'Defence' instead. And yeah, the team worked well defensively. They couldn't even get near the ring. Everytime the ball was turned over, or a shot was taken, everyone, except the Australians and the Singaporeans, would stand up. It was so funny. No one could see the Singaporean Slinger fans anymore.

Too bad there was too little time.

Announcer: "That was a good game, but Singapore Slingers won 90 to 86. Let's give it to the fans!"
Crowd: "BOOO!!!!"
Announcer: "Uhm, I mean, the fans for the Pure Foods, yeah."

Haha. I love Pinoys.

We may have lost that match, but we achieved a whole lot more than the game. For that night, the Singapore Indoor Stadium did not belong to Singapore Slingers, no. It belonged to Pure Foods and to the Philippines. And we showed the Singapore Slingers just how small their fan base are (Which is fucking small, btw. Hell, wonder how small it would be during their game against the Australian team. lol).

And finally, we showed just how proud we are of our country and how united we can be, despite not knowing who each other are. We waved the Philippine Flag in a place that was supposedly a foreign turf, and in a basketball game too, cause we are proud of our nation.

We showed that when it comes to pride, no Singaporean can match a Filipino. Cause we love our country. So, Singapore Slingers, next time you wanna challenge one of the top basketball teams in the Philippines, take note. You're not only challenging the team.

You're challenging the whole Filipino community in Singapore. And trust me, we will crowd your stadium.

Oh yeah, as for that asshole who shouted at the Filipino coach, he had to be escorted home by the police. He was, after all, injured by a mere water bottle.

Damn, that felt so good to type.

Fuck you, you Australian bastard.

And Singapore Slingers, STOP RECRUITING FOREIGN PEOPLE! You only have one Singaporean and you call yourself the national team? What a bunch of losers. >_>

Singapore Slingers -> Suck
Red-shirted Australian bastard ->Suck more.
Pure Foods -> Rock
Filipinoes in Singapore -> Rock more.

Oh yeah.

7:52 PM


27th September was DBV's first participation in a Dance Competition and I have to say, despite it being our first time, we did pretty good. True, we didn't really win anything, but hell, we were there more for experience than to win. We never expected to bring home anything, but at least we were more familiarised with dancing competitions, yeah? Next target, November 1st.

I know, it was the exam period, but that was why this kinda mattered quite a lot to me. Sacrificed a lot of my studying time rehearsing. Monday to Tuesday, after papers, from 4pm - 6pm, I was rehearsing. Friday night, from 5pm - 10pm, I was rehearsing at Republic Polytechnic. Tiring. And demanding. Haha.

Yeah, well, glad that's over with. Oh, and if you wanna catch the video of the performance, check it out on our blog. Just click that DBV pic on the side of the blog, then click on the pink tab. It should be there.

Anyway, I don't wanna talk about the papers, so I'll talk about something else that happened. Yesterday. Hehe.

7:48 PM


Photobucket Louisse Carlo Zaide Bragais
Renegade L
Hip-hop's my blood.

1E4 '06
2E4 '07
3E1 '08
4E1 '09
A De'Blaze Dancer



-Three 'E' One Oh-Eight
-De'BlazeurScopic Vibes

-Eric ~ The Sheep Brother
-Kami-kins ~ The Sheep Sister
-Pei San
-Shafiqah Junior
-Wei Liang
-Wei Xuan
-Yuen Yern


I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor This Is Halloween - Marilyn Manson

MySpace Playlist at

May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

Image:x x
Brushes:x x