Thursday, August 28, 2008
I know, I know
Yeah, I didn't post everyday. Sue me. >_>
Anyways, the past few days have been quite busy for me. Here's what's been happening. Last Wednesday, the first rehearsal for Teacher's Day. Hafeez said he was having stomach ache, and I was not sure whether to believe him or not. But whatever. Only Alan and I arrived for E-14, so that was a no-no rehearsal too. And since Hafeez was having stomach ache and he played a major role in our dance, we didn't rehearse too. Jessie called me out then, told me that if Hafeez was really having stomach ache, how was he able to sit down there, talk and laugh? So, the Masked then got kicked out of the Teacher's Day performance. And Jessie asked me to make a 5 minute solo to replace the thing. Whhheee~ >_>
Yeah. Thursday, spent the whole day, from 6 - 11.30 pm making the song and choreographing the 5 minute solo. And I succeeded! YUSH! Haha. Friday came, and I let Atikah listen to the song. She said it was alright, so I guess I was inside the Teacher's Day, then. Anyway, Friday afternoon. We had our first Cadet Harmony Program since Mr Chun was not present. NCC Land and NCC Sea joined to have an Amazing Race together. And heh, boy did I have fun. You could say that Maybel was the devil, or at least, close to it. (No offence. ^o^) And I was the funny angel. =3
Saturday, stayed at home practicing my solo, then spent Sunday watching movies and church. Ate my first foot long Subway Burger, and bought another hoodie jacket. No touchy, Kuya! Anyway, Monday came soon after. After school, had our first audition in 1E1, and first time presenting the dance. Yeah. Tuesday came. I had to wear the Hillgrove PE shirt and an FBT just to get inside. It felt gay. >_> I learned the dance, then went to meet up with the Air Rifle people after that, celebrating with our two birthday boys, Yi Ren and Haziq.
Wednesday came, this time rehearsed Teacher's Day on the stage. And wow, was it fun. Especially the free style part. Haha. Now that was fun. "Wheee-hooo." Nazirul replaced Shannon for the Freestyle for that rehearsal, and I have to say, it went pretty smoothly. Went home after that, then left home again to meet up with Nadia after their swimming carnival. Talked, hung out, then went home. Haha. Fun time, fun time.
And here comes Thursday. Whoo~ Fourth rehearsal of the day, did it with De'Blaze. Brought home all my books, and f*ck was it heavy. Went to HKCC at 4.30, only to find out that they were having rehearsal in their school. So, I waited, and waited, and fell asleep. I woke up at 5.50 then, when Umi Ecar came. Talked to her about her guinea pig, and 2x2x2 rubix cubes, then the others arrived. Had rehearsal from 6.30 then all the way to 8.55. My feet hurt. And tomorrow's the big day. Three choreographies to remember, and seven performances to do. Alright, let's do this. Oh, yeah. Performances for tomorrow.
Teacher's Day: (x2 each)
Freestyle with Shannon and Darrien
Tomorrow evening:
Children Society Performance at Furama Hotel
10:12 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008

Few things.

Yeah. Hmm... Past few days' updates? I was able to illegally get inside Hillgrove Secondary School by wearing their PE shirt. (LOL). Had dance training with De'blaze. We have two new guys since our last performance. Idzwan (i think) and Gan. Yeah.
And thanks to another complain, the top 5 of the NCC had to go through interview and thanks to it, there were a few changes. Yuen Kai got pulled out once more, replaced by Yi Wei. (Hint, hint). Jeremy Yeo took over Keneth as for the ASM position, making Keneth PC again. Yuen Kai instead became Drill Instructor, Yu Run as the Admin and Bin Xi as the Chief PTI. Yeah.
Well, that's all the updates for now, I guess.
Be back soon~
7:56 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
And I'm back... Again.
Just got back from East Coast after having stayed there overnight. And damn I'm tired. I didn't even sleep! We left home at about 12.15 pm and headed to East Coast park, where we met up with friends and started hanging out. Nothing much, except the ghost stories I shared, the game of murderer, the walk from Bedok Jetty all the way to the McDonald at the center of East Coast and back. And damn were we tired. As if that was not enough, he walked from Bedok Jetty to the other direction too. And that was 3.30 am in the morning. Went back to campsite about 15 minutes later and took a break. Klevyn and John went fishing while the rest of us rested in the tent.
I MISSED NDP'08. Damn. Not only did I miss seeing Jolyn and Si Wei marching in the GB contingent, I also missed seeing the Sec 1s and 2s performing on live TV! What a pity. I was looking forward to it too, but never mind that.
Anyway, reports on what has been happening the last few days.
The final five has finally been released, and it was more or less the same results, except that Keneth took over Yi Wei for the ASM, Jeremy replaced Yi Wen, and Yuen Kai replaced Show Chan. That's all for NCC.
Went to watch Mummy 3 with Rooftop gang on Friday. And was it funny. The Yetis were awesome, but the funniest part of the movie was when Wei Ting was sleeping when the Yetis came out. Man, you should have seen his face. Mummy 3. Hmm, nice movie. A little too short, but it was nice. Up to expectations, I guess.
Been smsing someone the past few days, but the certain someone has been too lazy to reply. >_>
You know who you are. ^o^;;
And from now on, since a lot of people are complaining I haven't been updating too much, I'll be trying to post every single day... MWAHAHAHAHHAA
Peace. ,,\/, ^o^ ,\/,,
3:43 PM